Month: August 2010

  • Patience in forgiveness

         Do you ever just live life to keep hearing a subject repeatedly come in conversations you are having or even around you? A topic I keep hearing about is Patience. One can think they have it until it is tested with people or situations where it is needed. Then it still may not be evident to them they need to develop more patience despite it being evident to the others watching the situation. Yet, again, it can be low level of patience for those who are watching which can start a mob like thinking situation.

          We may try to compare our own patience levels to others and think we are doing good compared to another. Yet, again who are we comparing oursevles to? But in the larger scheme of it, is it even a measurable at all? Wisdom helps develope patience and the best kind of Wisdom is from God as we seek Him in His Word and Prayer.  He is the best example of Patience I know of that exists. Despite all of human corruptness, He has not wiped us off the face of this earth due to how horrible we can be to each other and lies we tell Him in how we will change if He does this or that for us.

         With forgiveness there is patience. Can you have forgiveness without a huge helping of patience to go with it? Without sincere love for others and patience, just saying "I forgive you" can just be empty words said while your mind and heart still sizzles in building bitterness that can slowly deprive one of joy in life with anybody around them. Yet, that kind of love that is really needed to forgive others has to come from God to be lasting and our relationship with God daily. Hurt has a way of distracting us in so many ways. With the more patience we have, can we be hurt less or less offense taken by others conduct?

  • Come back to find changes

         I'm gone for awhile to find changes on Xanga when I come back! Yea! Life has been busy. Just living life brings changes in us. Time has a way to show us things if we are patient for answers to questions we have as we live. We all can have so many "why's?" in life. Yet, it just keeps life interesting as we are curious out it comes out. We will watch a movie or a show to the end due to we are curious of the ending. We may think we will know how it will end yet how many times are we right? How many times are we right in our own life how a couple years or so can turn out?  I do praise the Lord Jesus for knowing yet loving us at the same time as He forgives us as we repent. Our own attitudes can hurt or help us. 

         Time helps us to see the good that comes out of situations that my have looked bad in the past. People can change!!!! Prayers do get answered. Yet, as other people change, so do we! God's timing is not ours. Sometimes our attitude has to change for us to see the good come from the past. Yes, some we keep waiting for till eternity to understand. Yet patience, is part of faith!