November 2, 2012

  • Our Choice Where to Find Answers.

         Can one be in a process of learning so much that if they write too soon, they will write inaccurate? Yet, if we ever waited till we know it all, would we ever have time to write all that we know? Or, in our lifetime of living do we ever get to the point of knowing all the answers we seek? If we would live to know all the answers we seek, then where would faith come in? Who needs faith if they know all the answers.

          From my life so far, I have not met one that knows all the answers. Early in life, I was told by my Father if one told others they knew all the answers, I should stay away from them due to they were dangerous to be around.  I can say that was something to ponder as a child. How many conversations get interupted that we would like to finish but never get back to finish? That was one of them. But as a child, I would come up with another question soon enough forgetting to finish the the last answer.  

          I have been there as some breathes their last breath or close to it but I do not hear about all the knowledge they know from life. Many just want to fight to keep their life on this earth. Others, look forward to be out of pain this life can bring through disease or trauma pain.  Yet, what do they think is beyond?

          Hollywood likes to show scenes of heaven despite lives that were lead on earth and second chances to make the wrongs right.  How does that compare to what is written in the Holy Bible?  How often is Hollywood productions fit into reality?  God gave us the Bible to read and apply in our lives. It is our choice to read it or not. Yet, within the pages of does give many answers in life and a source to find more through prayer.

          Yet, will we take the time to look, read, and apply? God gives us a choice to stand on His promises we find in His Word to live our lives strong for Him so we look forward to our death that can open the door to Heaven. There are churches on the street corners of America welcoming people to enter in to learn more. Again, it comes back to the choice to enter in to find out more. God gives us a choice to chose His way or the world's way. A choice that affects all eternity.


Comments (7)

  • We definitely don't get to a point of knowing all the answers we seek. At least I haven't. In fact, the older I get, the more questions I have and the less answers I have. Kind of reminds me of that Andre Crouch song that says, "If we never had any problems, then we would never know God could solve them."

  • @LSP1 - 
    Amen! I have been unpacking and on to work after writing it. I'm sorry for late reply. I'm realizing the more intense in prayer I become, questions I have that matter to me can be answered. I may not always like the answer do to my choices do make a difference in my life. As I get older I'm realizing the power that love and forgiveness plays.

  • @Whatisfaith - Yeah, the older you get, the more your priorities in life change.

  • @LSP1 -  Priorities change for the better right?  Yet, I am learning who we spend time around can influence us which can affect our outlook, goals, attitudes, and even priorities.  Hmmmm .... like always you get me to thinking.....  God uses you!!!


  • @Whatisfaith - 

    Yeah. I think my priorities are better now. For sure, we can be influenced by who we hang out with. I don't have my bible with me right now but in Proverbs it says that bad company corrupts good morals. I'm glad I can help you think. :)

  • @LSP1 - To be challenged to do better is important!!!

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