Month: November 2012

  • America Chose as Yahweh sees the Hearts

         The election is counted. The country is colored with red and blue as to see a map of the voting areas in the individual states shows so much red is encouraging. The electoral college went to chose the recumbent. Yet, the popular vote was red! There is hope and choice toward Biblical values despite the electoral college! Hearts chose to support the candidate that would support Israel and Biblical values. Yahweh knows the hearts and choices of Americans despite what the electoral college shows. There are only pockets in America that chose the other. Find the map and look at it. I would have posted a copy of it but I did not want to infringe on copy right laws.

          Now is the time to pray and seek the Lord in His ways to live in His ways. Psalms 91 as we chose to live in His way, He will protect us. Yes, judgment can come but it can be good as it can cleanse this land. How long have prayers held off the wrath of Yahweh when the Jewish nation rebelled against God in the Old Testament?  Moses stood up for them when Yahweh wanted to wipe them out and start over with Moses but Moses interceded in prayer for them as they were on the path to the Promise Land as part of the land at this time is known as Israel. We who intercede in praying can do this too, today!

         There are many more promises of Yahweh to stand on as we study His Word in the Holy Bible. We are suppose to rejoice in all things! We are suppose to pray without ceasing!

         Judgement will help separate the light and the darkness as Jesus will be returning!!! We must remember it will be interesting before Jesus returns. Interesting mean Jesus's return is closer! Take heart and be of good cheer!!! So many scriptures have read and study come forth as I write this.

         Look for the good in the bad! Remember how many times there has been bad situations in your life in the past and how God has worked through them for His glory!!! This is no different!!! This all makes the Holy Bible come more to life in our lives!

         Rejoice, and again I say rejoice!!! Praise the Lord in all things!!! Be faithful to pray for our elected leaders so God can work His plan and way through them.  Remember, Pharaoh?  Other past empires?  We know the end of the story but not the details in between!!! Have faith not fear!!! Seek the Lord, Jesus!!!! Repent if you need to, and seek the Lord, Jesus. He is waiting to forgive you! Turn your life over to Him while you still have breath in your lungs! There is still hope to be had despite what I see people post elsewhere!  Faith not fear!!!



  • Today America Votes to Choose a Direction

         Today is a day America votes for the next President of the United States of America. Each man stands for different values and each man does not fully represent every American. The mainstream church is not thrilled with ones Mormon background while I will not even attempt to go where the other one is. Yet, one can see the fruit of his life and term in office. The fruit we produce in our life speaks louder than whatever we or others construct the words we speak to try to manipulate people into an image we want them to see us.

         Yet, which man is open to God using him? Which man will stand behind Israel? That is a huge issue as God blesses those that bless Isreal and curses those who curse Israel. Which man values what the Bible says or believes in the Bible is the Word of God, Jevahoh, inspired?

          Who has read the Old Testament to see what happens each time the nation of Israel goes against God's values and rebells? Who has studied history to learn about the fall of Babylon, Greek, Roman, and other Empires fall as immorality becomes the accepted norm? America has the colleges and Universities that students from all over the world attend but what do we do with all the education we are blessed with? Will we actually apply what we study to affect our future in a positive way?

          Many have prayed in faith and stood on God's promises in the Bible for this election and the heart of this country that is made up of each of us.  No matter who is elected we will pray for the leadership of this country. If we do not pray.... I do not want to imagine that or the consquences. God is in control!!! He is faithful!!!!  The Holy Bible is full of hope for those who mess up so bad they think there is no hope, but there is through repentance before God as He shows a forgiveness even through judgment at times. God is merciful! He is full of grace!

          God allows us to chose Jesus or reject Jesus with his ways and message. We get to chose as it is not forced on us despite the world's view of Jesus Christ. We chose how we act, vote, live, love, and forgive. We can live with those consquenses for all eternity. Praise God He allows a way through Jesus to turn from our wrong choices when we finally humble ourselves to them. Jesus allows us to turn our lives around with the help ofthe Holy Spirt to lead us the rest of our life  here on earth. God wants to bless us!!!

          Do not worry how America votes today! God knows each of our hearts and what we chose. There is hope no matter what the choice of America today. Do not be discouraged in life, period. With Jesus there is  hope and a peace as we know eternity awaits us with Him in Heaven.  Remember, faith not fear!!!!  It is still a victory if we chose to walk with Jesus and in His ways!!!  God is not blind as He knows our  hearts and desires to bless those that serve Him no matter where they are at and what they are dealing with!!!

          We already know the ending of the story of this world as we read Revelations!!! We just do not know the details till the end. Yet, faith not fear or worry. Just run the course of your life for the prize like Apostle Paul encourages us to do many times in many ways.  God knows your heart and choice! Plus, if one messes up, He is waiting for the one to ask forgiveness/repent so He can forgive as long as they have breath on this earth to do so. There is so much hope! Rejoice! Again, Rejoice!  Praise the Lord no matter the circumstances!!! God is good and His mercy endures forever!!!

  • Our Choice Where to Find Answers.

         Can one be in a process of learning so much that if they write too soon, they will write inaccurate? Yet, if we ever waited till we know it all, would we ever have time to write all that we know? Or, in our lifetime of living do we ever get to the point of knowing all the answers we seek? If we would live to know all the answers we seek, then where would faith come in? Who needs faith if they know all the answers.

          From my life so far, I have not met one that knows all the answers. Early in life, I was told by my Father if one told others they knew all the answers, I should stay away from them due to they were dangerous to be around.  I can say that was something to ponder as a child. How many conversations get interupted that we would like to finish but never get back to finish? That was one of them. But as a child, I would come up with another question soon enough forgetting to finish the the last answer.  

          I have been there as some breathes their last breath or close to it but I do not hear about all the knowledge they know from life. Many just want to fight to keep their life on this earth. Others, look forward to be out of pain this life can bring through disease or trauma pain.  Yet, what do they think is beyond?

          Hollywood likes to show scenes of heaven despite lives that were lead on earth and second chances to make the wrongs right.  How does that compare to what is written in the Holy Bible?  How often is Hollywood productions fit into reality?  God gave us the Bible to read and apply in our lives. It is our choice to read it or not. Yet, within the pages of does give many answers in life and a source to find more through prayer.

          Yet, will we take the time to look, read, and apply? God gives us a choice to stand on His promises we find in His Word to live our lives strong for Him so we look forward to our death that can open the door to Heaven. There are churches on the street corners of America welcoming people to enter in to learn more. Again, it comes back to the choice to enter in to find out more. God gives us a choice to chose His way or the world's way. A choice that affects all eternity.