December 26, 2011

  • Greatest Gift, God's Presence

         Christmas is an event with such meaning that it can be celebrated all year long! Actually, in ways it is each Sunday in church as we worship Jesus Christ.  Praising Him as we worship for all the promises He fullfills! We humans can let Jesus down so many ways with our choices and then we blame Jesus for how messed up our lives are. The Holy Bible gives us direction, yet we still will chose our own ways! Praises the Lord for His forgiveness as we repent from our rebellious choices.

          Prior to the first Christmas there was like 400 years of silence with no Prophets to help lead. Yet, from out of such a dark time came such a gift to the whole world that effects us today!  Sometimes, we think we have it rough possible think we could complain when we get to heaven. Yet, how can we compare ourselves to believers before the first Christmas? Or,the church that followed after Jesus and was attacked by the Church of the Day at that time?  In this day and age we have the printed Holy Bible in our hands with the ability to read it anytime we want. Not too many generations back would only dream of have multiple Holy Bibles at their fingertips with the ability to read them. With such a great gift and advancements we have do we take it for granted?

         Our feelings can lie to us as we can feel like God is so far away. Yet, He is just a prayer away. Jeremiah 33:3 (KJV) "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." For those that once were close to Jesus in thier lives and drifted away, Jesus is there waiting for you to return. For those that do not know Jesus in the way of a personal relationship, Jesus is waiting for you.