December 6, 2011

  • Writing to understand or discover

         How easy it for some one to bash what they do not understand when there is no actual face connected to it? Media has expanded in so many ways that we can talk or write without doing it one on one. So many times when we write or talk we can display our own stupidity and not even realize it.  Yet, we gather our understanding from what is around us. What we fill our mind with from what we see, hear, or read around us. Reading a short tidbit due to a short attention span concept can leave out so many fact or even the truth. Our opinions can slant our writing to what we know was truth to us. Yet, what we believe is true motivates us.

         I have spent years sharing about Jesus in so many ways to people. Yet, as I listen to others, read, and watch over all, the information age has expanded on how and why we think. More information can confuse people into not sincerely standing for anything but themselves at times. Sometimes, we believe or act certian ways just to keep the peace or people content around us to reduce strife and stress.  We think of right now and just  a little ahead without focussing on the bigger picture due to so caught  up with the now.  Yet, what is the result?

         The person who started writing this blog has the same DNA but has changed in many ways as the years pass. Despite what has happened, my faith is stronger in Jesus. Yet, it is more simple in ways. I am not into arguing points due to so many just like to hear themselves talk just to talk, just to be right in their own mind. How easily we can fool ourselves! I have done it to myself at times, too. Yet, when it comes to faith in Jesus Christ, the struggles, issues, or whatever else stuff that happens allows that faith to grow brighter if I keep reading the Holy Bible in prayer.  Some do not really have a clue what I am saying but that is okay. It is their choice. 

        It is my choice to write, blog, and communicate with others as it allows me to learn about others and myself. Reading posts from years ago are interesting to me as I am tempted to delete them. Yet, it shows things about me and is a history of my path in life. I had a person, who at times I regret ever allowing them to know about this blog, tell me they did not like it because I talked about myself as they thought I was too "me"  in it.  They didn't get the concept of personal blog that is open to others. I have been told repeatedly in life I am too nice, too giving, and what goes along with that. It is who I am but writing this is for me. A way to share or put a tiny bit what circulates in my mind in print. It is good for me to go back and read it at times. Plus, fight with myself not to delete it so I can come back and remind myself of things in the past. I do not even like all I write later yet it shows change. Yet, why I may not like or like it will have different reasons what others may think. I write for me yet willing to share in this way. How many can be that real? I like those that are real even if we can be at opposite ends of thinking on things. I learn from them. They help me question myself and seek answers for me.

         I am one that seeks sincerity. Actions speak louder than words yet humans can still be so blind to things despite seeing things in front of them. WE can be so easily fooled into believing things. How many like to go to a magic show or watch tv/movies? I hear some speak that others are so fake and they don't want to be around them but as I watch both groups that are involved I see what they are knocking the others about being fake being the same in their own lives. When we knock another are we actually knocking ourselves and not even realizing it at times? I do it, too.  

         I could continue this post due to all that is spinning in my mind but even I have only so much time to do things. There is talking about things or actually doing things. I would rather do actions rather than just talk about doing them. There is a time to write and a time to act. 

Comments (15)

  • well, well written.

    i also have people who do not understand my blogging. that's okay. they have their things that i don't understand, too. ;)

    you just keep resisting the urge to delete.

  • [I like those that are real even if we can be at opposite ends of thinking on things. I learn from them. They help me question myself and seek answers for me.]

    I feel the same way. I love reading and hearing what atheists think. It challenges my own beliefs and faith.

  • @ehrinn_l - As you write your life into your posts, I can relate with the frustrations that can be in my own life at times. It help keep my focus off me and remember to pray and/or rejoice with others challenges or triumphs. Being open to others allows us to be less self focused which has its own consquences which another whole post to write if I continue this tangent in my mind.

       You are real open in your blog. Yet, it allows us to see things to smile about or make changes from. Thank you for being you!!!

    @LSP1 - Yes, you do understand what I am saying. People change in life as they age. What one believes today may not be what they believe fully ten years later due to events in their lives. I am reminded of Paul so many times. At one time his name was Saul but when Jesus changed his life his name changed too!  How many early Christians who had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ  did he kill or hurt in his quest to serve the main line church of the day? Those early Christians new about walking in love and forgiveness which gives power to prayers. How many prayed for Saul who was an enemy at the time? Love your enemies is not an option but a command. 

        Your comment spurs my mind more. I will stop before I put a post on a comment. Yet, changes can be less dynamic than Paul. We all can grow and change if various directions.  




  • @Whatisfaith -  It's really strange for me. In some ways I'm stronger in my faith than I used to be and in other ways I have a lot more unanswered questions and am in a sense, weaker. But as the bible says, we need to "Fight the good fight of faith".

  • @LSP1 -  You know the scriptures or how to find then where you are at in your growth in faith in Jesus. In our weakness, Jesus can turn that into a strength. What you sound like it that you are not letting the pride of knowledge we can be so full of that can hinder us at the same time blind you. When there are questions, we are seeking and having the humbleness to know to seek. When we think we have it all totally figured out, how dangerous can we be to ourselves or others?

  • @Whatisfaith - Yes, knowing the scriptures is vital. Not knowing answers is definitely humbling, but good. But also frustrating at times. I hate not knowing. :)

  • @LSP1 -  I live to seek more but look forward to my last day on this earth to learn the answers to my questions. I wonder how when I am there though, I will find out that so many of those answer to my questions were all around me but I had not realized the answers yet! I gave up looking at a time or got distracted when I was so close to seeing or finding the answer. Or, I refused to have spent more time in prayer to watch TV or something else of that sort? The desire to live is strong and to live to invest for all eternity!

  • @Whatisfaith - I don't know. Thinking about the last day can be scary. I hope I die peacefully and not suffering. But yes, it will be great to see Jesus and get some answers. I don't think my lack of knowing is for lack of trying to know. I do everything I can, including seeking God and praying, to know the answers. So far, he hasn't chosen to let me know and I have to accept that as best as I can and lean not on my own understanding.

  • I take that back. Obviously I haven't done "everything" but I have diligently sought for answers. We're not perfect so we really aren't capable of doing everything we should do.

  • @LSP1 -  If we knew all the answers what fun would life be?  In His timing we learn things, even some things that were staring us in the face but we did not even realize it.  I neglect applying what I learn which prevents me from learning more.  Application is the key, otherwise why learn.  That is a lesson I keep having to go back to.

  • @Whatisfaith - I don't know, but it'd sure make it easier at times to have the answers. That's why I can't wait to get to heaven. Sure we learn things but even in Hebrews 12 it says that no chastening seemeth to be joyous. Don't get me wrong, I still give God thanks in all things. Doesn't mean I have to like it. ;)

  • @LSP1 -  Praising God in all  things, we must put our feelings aside to do it it. I fail in the past which teaches me to be stronger in that action in the future.  Oh, it is not easy to do at times and  I even forget when I can be so distracted.  Thank you for challenging me in a good way!!!  You are a sharp sword!!!

  • @Whatisfaith - You're welcome. You're right that we "should" put our feelings aside but realistically, you know that's much easier said than done at times. When I struggle with feelings, I do my best to get my mind on God and worship and praise him.

  • @LSP1 - I do understand that struggle and will not go into the failures with it. Yet, it allows a lesson to be remembered later. If I would praise more life would be lived higher. Distractions from so many angles. Yet, each day is a new day to live.

  • @Whatisfaith - Amen. His mercies are new every morning.

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