Month: December 2011

  • Greatest Gift, God's Presence

         Christmas is an event with such meaning that it can be celebrated all year long! Actually, in ways it is each Sunday in church as we worship Jesus Christ.  Praising Him as we worship for all the promises He fullfills! We humans can let Jesus down so many ways with our choices and then we blame Jesus for how messed up our lives are. The Holy Bible gives us direction, yet we still will chose our own ways! Praises the Lord for His forgiveness as we repent from our rebellious choices.

          Prior to the first Christmas there was like 400 years of silence with no Prophets to help lead. Yet, from out of such a dark time came such a gift to the whole world that effects us today!  Sometimes, we think we have it rough possible think we could complain when we get to heaven. Yet, how can we compare ourselves to believers before the first Christmas? Or,the church that followed after Jesus and was attacked by the Church of the Day at that time?  In this day and age we have the printed Holy Bible in our hands with the ability to read it anytime we want. Not too many generations back would only dream of have multiple Holy Bibles at their fingertips with the ability to read them. With such a great gift and advancements we have do we take it for granted?

         Our feelings can lie to us as we can feel like God is so far away. Yet, He is just a prayer away. Jeremiah 33:3 (KJV) "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." For those that once were close to Jesus in thier lives and drifted away, Jesus is there waiting for you to return. For those that do not know Jesus in the way of a personal relationship, Jesus is waiting for you.

  • Family Visit

         Due to the modern age families can be spread all over the United States which makes being all together more of a challenge. A short trip out of state was special due to the distance a cousin was coming from and the years of not seeing him allowed the family to gather in one place. It is interesting when family that lives under and hour together may not all gather much together for reasons. Yet, it is wonderful when there is a reason to.

         When gathered new memories are made as old ones renewed. The  next generation of young get to know each other more or meet each other since they were tots. Actually, many posts could be made out of the meeting but yet in what view? To share something funny could be at the expense of another. It is not worth the risk of offending another so near the time. After enough time passes when they can laugh at it themselves is when it can be shared.

         Yet, to gather for me was worth the expense and time. New memories made and old ones relived. Ones of my generation talked of when we were kids not able to imagine we would all get this age. Life has not been boring nor the members of my family!

         Yet, the ones who have passed on were missed. Yet, I look forward to that gathering of all in Heaven one day. What a glorious day that will be!!! 

  • Treasure Hunt

         Treasure that can change one's life is still out there to be had in this world! What is treasured and valued with people can be different which they believe that can change their lives!  Gold or wealth of some kind is considered precious but when one has a lot of wealth how many true friends to they have around them?  How many people are around them or contact them to get their gold? What happens if the gold runs out by not making choices that help it last?

         Winning a car is exciting! Yea, but that car does start reducing in value once drived off a car lot, taxes to pay on it, and each year at is it in on the road it creates the need for repairs that will cost you. How do you value the car when it comes undependable? There are many things that we can win but what is the lasting value? Yes, the memory of winning it can be great but also memories as life goes on can dull the shine of the first memory as life goes on. Sometimes, it is funny how a good memory can turn into a memory of regret to see how life turned afterwards. There is treasure that does not last as treasure later in life.

         Peace in life is a treasure, but where can that be found? Faith in Jesus Christ in a personal relationship is about living a life that seeks out God in His Word and Prayer. The Word of God is a treasure map in life full of God's Promises to build one's life on that will affect all eternity! What kind of treasure you find in this world can do that? God's Blessing on our lives as we chose to live for Him makes a difference in how one looks and deals with life. 

         Hunting is seeking which can take time and be challenging. How many people give up even searching for treasure of this world? Many will begin to seek this  treasure but can get distracted in so many ways or just wants to do it their way instead of following God's  Word in the Holy Bible. Examples of this are in parables about sowing seed in various types of ground/lives in the Gospels in the New Testament.  

         Seeking treasure is our choice including what kind of treasure we seek. Why not seek treasure that can last for all eternity and able to share with others for all eternity? God's Word is full of treasure to share with others as the more is share the more it grows!!! It is our choice to stop seeking by so many distractions this world has to offer? Why settle for something that fades away verses treasure that lasts for all eternity!!!!

  • Positive vs. Negative in Thinking

        If I dwell in the negative in my life, my past, or what is around me it could destroy the good there is and cloud the future.  I do thank my Grandmother for sharing this with me as a child which help set a course for my life. Romans 12 is an amazing chapter in how it starts out and how it ends. Yet, the Holy Bible is full of them. We just get to seek to find them! Who does not like a treasure hunt in life?

        Yet, did or do I always follow my Gramdmother's advice or others after her that spoke the same words to encourage others. I even would share this with others over the years. Yet, it is far easier to say than follow or act upon.

        Over the last years to know to Praise the Lord in all things is a strength that is real. Pray without ceasing...... an attitude of open communication with God. It helps one keep a focus.  Distraction from this does is so easily happens at times from worrying about something. Faith is not worry nor worrying about something faith in Jesus Christ that it will work out for His Glory.  I have failed in this area in life at times but God is still there despite what I can do. Yet, there is something sent to remind me when I am open to see it.

         At work, I am called usually when bad things happen to others. It is a chance to help and share hope of how things can work out. Plus, after years of doing this type of work their is a collection of memories of how people did it!  How little did I know the words my Grandmother would repeatedly share with me would be needed so much. Yes, others shared those words in life but with her she was one of the first and I was able to watch her live it. Living it in front of another is a powerful way to drive truth home!

  • Writing to understand or discover

         How easy it for some one to bash what they do not understand when there is no actual face connected to it? Media has expanded in so many ways that we can talk or write without doing it one on one. So many times when we write or talk we can display our own stupidity and not even realize it.  Yet, we gather our understanding from what is around us. What we fill our mind with from what we see, hear, or read around us. Reading a short tidbit due to a short attention span concept can leave out so many fact or even the truth. Our opinions can slant our writing to what we know was truth to us. Yet, what we believe is true motivates us.

         I have spent years sharing about Jesus in so many ways to people. Yet, as I listen to others, read, and watch over all, the information age has expanded on how and why we think. More information can confuse people into not sincerely standing for anything but themselves at times. Sometimes, we believe or act certian ways just to keep the peace or people content around us to reduce strife and stress.  We think of right now and just  a little ahead without focussing on the bigger picture due to so caught  up with the now.  Yet, what is the result?

         The person who started writing this blog has the same DNA but has changed in many ways as the years pass. Despite what has happened, my faith is stronger in Jesus. Yet, it is more simple in ways. I am not into arguing points due to so many just like to hear themselves talk just to talk, just to be right in their own mind. How easily we can fool ourselves! I have done it to myself at times, too. Yet, when it comes to faith in Jesus Christ, the struggles, issues, or whatever else stuff that happens allows that faith to grow brighter if I keep reading the Holy Bible in prayer.  Some do not really have a clue what I am saying but that is okay. It is their choice. 

        It is my choice to write, blog, and communicate with others as it allows me to learn about others and myself. Reading posts from years ago are interesting to me as I am tempted to delete them. Yet, it shows things about me and is a history of my path in life. I had a person, who at times I regret ever allowing them to know about this blog, tell me they did not like it because I talked about myself as they thought I was too "me"  in it.  They didn't get the concept of personal blog that is open to others. I have been told repeatedly in life I am too nice, too giving, and what goes along with that. It is who I am but writing this is for me. A way to share or put a tiny bit what circulates in my mind in print. It is good for me to go back and read it at times. Plus, fight with myself not to delete it so I can come back and remind myself of things in the past. I do not even like all I write later yet it shows change. Yet, why I may not like or like it will have different reasons what others may think. I write for me yet willing to share in this way. How many can be that real? I like those that are real even if we can be at opposite ends of thinking on things. I learn from them. They help me question myself and seek answers for me.

         I am one that seeks sincerity. Actions speak louder than words yet humans can still be so blind to things despite seeing things in front of them. WE can be so easily fooled into believing things. How many like to go to a magic show or watch tv/movies? I hear some speak that others are so fake and they don't want to be around them but as I watch both groups that are involved I see what they are knocking the others about being fake being the same in their own lives. When we knock another are we actually knocking ourselves and not even realizing it at times? I do it, too.  

         I could continue this post due to all that is spinning in my mind but even I have only so much time to do things. There is talking about things or actually doing things. I would rather do actions rather than just talk about doing them. There is a time to write and a time to act. 

  • Where did this year go?

         My last post was in March? Really? Life goes so fast with so many things filling it. Yet, when it comes down to it we/I am the one that chooses the priorities of things by what I chose to do.  Yet, with Xanga, sometimes I may not know what to write or say. Sometimes, I learn what I am thinking in the process of something in life will change.

         How many times do I think I see the big picture only to find out I see so very little of it. We are all in that point at times not even realizing it. Age has a way letting you see the bigger picture. I still have years to go compared to some so how much more will I understand in 20 years? As age passes we can see what is truly more important that what we could have thought of at the time.

         How many when they have death staring them in the face realize what is important in life? Eternity takes on a whole new priority. I had a chance to answer that a few years back when my body was hit by a full size Chevy truck at basically road speed. Instead of stiffening up, I relaxed with peace at the thought of going to Heaven. Yet, I did not go as God restored my ability in His Healing it in the process of months to come.  Yet, what have I done with these extra years to my life since? My thought before being struck was that I was His since the age of seven.  Do I still live each day since putting Jesus first? How many times can one get distracted? Praise the Lord! He forgives!!!! He is there waiting for us to return to. We have till our time is finished here.